Pet products for people and the pets that own them!
I am proud to introduce the hilarious humor of Mark Parisi! You'll find T- shirts , books and candles newly added to amuse yourself and those around you!
" off the mark joined the major syndicate, United Media, in 2002. Recently, off the mark was nominated for Best Newspaper Comic Panel by The National Cartoonists Society and for Best Humor Book by The Independent Publisher's Association"
If you are involved with a dog rescue or even a cat rescue my products make great fund-raisers. I offer a big discount for rescue organizations and will personally work with you to create your breed of dog, cat or non specific dog related items so that you can raise money to help our furry friends.
For more wonderful doggie related items check out my friend's site Winged Woman Designs
Check out Luna's new link called Luna Tunes! Guaranteed to put a smile on your face!
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